You can make a one time or recurring donation through PayPal here.


Lifeline is funded by voluntary contributions from telephone subscribers.


Please help if you can!


Illinois is unique in that all contributions to the Lifeline program are voluntarily made by telephone subscribers- - no state tax dollars are used. These tax deductible, charitable contributions are made by current residential or business telephone subscribers.


Residential telephone subscribers can contribute 50 cents, $1, $2, or $5 per month towards the program. Business customers can donate $1, $5, $10 or $25 per month. Remember, every donation helps!


To make your contribution online, click on the "DONATE" button above.


To make your contribution via your phone bill, contact your local phone service provider and tell them you want to contribute to the Lifeline, Link-Up programs.


One-time contributions of any amount are also accepted. These can be sent to Universal Telephone Assistance Corporation, P.O. Box 1176, Springfield, IL 62705.


Contributions to the Universal Telephone Assistance Corporation (UTAC), a not-for-profit corporation, are deductible on income taxes to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor to determine how this applies to you.